sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Knights Of Sidonia (A long time no see mature approach on sci-fi anime)

Forget all those classic main characters from mainstream japanese animations who made anime so famous and infamous around the world; forget all those hours spent on meanless chapters that neither develop a thing nor push the story forward. Embrace a simple and elegant space Mecha Anime full of mystery (Yet to be clarified, I couldn't spoiled even if I wanted, I still get some episodes to go) and more mature characters, with a more realistic design and a pretty good looking cinematography, CGI works pretty well here. As the old saying claims, a picture worths a thousand words, so welcome to a new section in my blog where I recommend some good stuff I think you should give a try:

Gravity comes to mind on episode 5. Great visual, realistic characters, immersive space atmosphere.

The Mechas look good in cell shading CGI. Humans do photosynthesis, U la la.

One could say it's Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack On Titans) meets G-Gundam. It's much more than that though. Think of good characters as in Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell and you'll have a frame for Knights of Sidonia characters.  

Higgs Particles, humans do photosynthesis thanks to bioengineering, earth's gone and Mechas in the space fighting monsters (Evangelion like).  What else do you need? 

Stay tuned for more. I will up date the news whenever I finish the show.