sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Knights Of Sidonia (A long time no see mature approach on sci-fi anime)

Forget all those classic main characters from mainstream japanese animations who made anime so famous and infamous around the world; forget all those hours spent on meanless chapters that neither develop a thing nor push the story forward. Embrace a simple and elegant space Mecha Anime full of mystery (Yet to be clarified, I couldn't spoiled even if I wanted, I still get some episodes to go) and more mature characters, with a more realistic design and a pretty good looking cinematography, CGI works pretty well here. As the old saying claims, a picture worths a thousand words, so welcome to a new section in my blog where I recommend some good stuff I think you should give a try:

Gravity comes to mind on episode 5. Great visual, realistic characters, immersive space atmosphere.

The Mechas look good in cell shading CGI. Humans do photosynthesis, U la la.

One could say it's Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack On Titans) meets G-Gundam. It's much more than that though. Think of good characters as in Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell and you'll have a frame for Knights of Sidonia characters.  

Higgs Particles, humans do photosynthesis thanks to bioengineering, earth's gone and Mechas in the space fighting monsters (Evangelion like).  What else do you need? 

Stay tuned for more. I will up date the news whenever I finish the show.

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015

Birdman or A metalinguistic metaphor of Michael Keaton's life and career. (Movie Review)

Hello folks, long time no see you... Ok, Who am I fooling? I've never seen any one around. Maybe I should write more often instead of once a year when I feel like...

Anyways, let's go straight to the point here. Michael Keaton, the hero of my childhood and one of the two reasons that brought me to the movies tonight, was casted as the main protagonist since more than 2 decades in the fridge (Like we use to say here in Brazil). Actually one can claim he just took a role in the fairly recent Robocop reboot (Nice movie btw) and played some comedies from the 90's through the 2000's, and even made some dubs for disney animations. But let's be honest, the guy was strayed by Hollywood for a good time. Since Batman Returns nothing that matched his talent was given to him. In a matter of fact when watching Birdman and knowing Michael Keaton's' career you come to think he wrote the whole thing, when actually he was just casted this time. Birdman, though, is a clear reference to the old hero movies from the 90's which comes down to Tim Burton's Batman due to the lack of technology and creativity back then.

So why do I think Michael Keaton is so perfect for the role? Well let's spoil a little of the movie synopses. Riggan is a former hollywood actor who has played the super hero Birdman in the blockbuster homonymous super hero hit from the 90's just as Keaton did in Batman. Now, more than 20 years later, he is working on a Broadway play as the writer, director and main character. He wants to make something relevant before ending his career and, more than that, he wants to be recognized. Just as his character in the play, that just wants to be loved by his wife. The Broadway play is like a disturbed version of the already messed up life of Riggan, a forgotten actor that wants to make it up for all those years in the oblivion and also for only be remembered as a superhero in a 90's blockbuster. Even though I'm not familiar with Keaton's private life and I'm not really feeling like researching it, the coincidences are interesting. I also didn't read any review so far to let my review as more authentic as possible. The bottom line is,  the movie itself feels like a redemption attempt from Keaton for all those years in the oblivion and for just being remembered as Batman just as the play Riggan is producing and playing is for the character.

Riggan also has a marriage that didn't work out and a problematic daughter (Emma Stone aka Gwen Stacy, The second reason that brought me to this film in case you wondered) and a bunch of cliches that comes out from it. The film is not an easy one to understand.  You have to be a little familiar with the fucked up behind the scene life of celebrities to grasp some of the madness and the end is open but it gives a anti climax effect that is not good for the piece. In any case I'm not an specialist and I'm open for comments. I would give this piece a 7 out of 10. What do you guys think? 

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

The Amazing Spider Man 2 Review (Spoiler Alert!)

Well, It's been a while since I don't post here, since last year to be more precise, but after seen TASM 2 and being a huge fan of the web head as I am, I might confess: Never in the history of my cinematographic epopeia I felt so touched, inspired and willing to cry like when I saw the last minutes of this film (Actually I cried).

Ok let's go over the cons first, but I will be brief because it really doesn't matter when you get to see the end. Like the first TASM (my first review in this blog btw) the plot is good but the way it is conducted is messy and rushed, nothing seems to fit. Electro was a poor choice as the main enemy in the plot and Jamie Fox was a bad pick for the already failed role. I've also never seen such a good actor as Paul Giamatti (Sideways and John Adams TV series) being so barely tapped and bad casted in a movie, he certainly deserved more then being a stupid thug and an even more stupid Rhino. Anyways, the worse thing is seeing a potential good script becoming a mess, with details that were rushed explained if explained at all. You will see in this sequel a Harry Osborn obsessed for Spiedey's blood when Oscorp has a bunch of genetic modified spiders available: The beginning of the story shows Peter's father killing all the spiders, but if so how come Peter got bitten in the first place? I might be overlooking some details but that's not all. There are several absurds, like Harry Osborn breaking in the Ravencroft institute as Harry Osborn, not the green Goblin yet. How come a spoiled rich young skinny man managed to pass through security. The other absurd is Gwen Stacy out of the blue expertise in electrical engineer, she knows how to operate New York electric power plant and her major apparently is Biomed, at least that's what we suppose to think after her internship with Dr. Connors on the first film and her sudden granted scholarship to study at Oxford.

But what doesn't save this sequel but makes it worth it is its climax. We still have a rushed and poorly developed Green Goblin to add the list of things that went wrong, but the thing is, the final battle between the Green Goblin and Spider Man looked really dramatic. As soon as Harry grabs Gwen, I knew, like many others, that she would die, but because I read the comics. This movie gives us a little hope, though. What impressed me was the way the scene was produced. It made us feel Spidey's desperation. He couldn't reach the goblin with his web, then she was dropped from a huge fall and Spider Man grabbed her giving the audience hope he would save her. After a complex battle against Harry and holding her as much as he could he let her go, this time literally, he even gave us a slightly little hope that he would catch and hang her at the last second, but the impact was inevitable. Her death is depressing and gives an unexpected dark tone to the film. Where is Mary Jane to comfort him?

But it's ok. Many parents and their children might have felt that Gwen's death was an unnecessary grief. In the comic she was boring and MJ was already introduced like a better option. But in the movie Gwen was full of life, she was sweet, good hearted, expressive. She was special. We can relate again with Peter's feelings, we can actually feel his pain. The way that he is portrayed at the graveyard to see her gravestone as the seasons go by is really gloomy and well written. Only by visual and nothing more we can relate and feel his sorrow, because we all have loved and felt attached at least once, even though we knew we had to let it go.

The bottom line is: The movie is still not well elaborated just like the first one, but I believe the climax made us feel just like our friendly neighborhood. And that kind of deep relation with the main character is rare to happen even in a drama movie. So I'm glad they did a good job at this part at least.

domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2013

90's brightest and funnest momments and quotes (part 2): Raul Julia, El Puertorriqueño Rei del Humor

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. I've been too busy lately setting up  my one year trip to the US and trying to keep up with my Med School. But no excuses anymore. Let's go back to the 90's again and check the best quotes from Raul Julia's 90's work on Addam's Family Duology and The Street Fighter The Final Battle. These films are probably under rated today, especially the latter, but when it comes to Raul Julia's talented acting performance and comical skills, there's no doubt the guy was a genius. Hollywood lost a lot with his death, and next year will be his 20's death anniversary (It sounds creepy to state like that but maybe that's the way Mr. Gomez Addams would like to be remembered). Only God knows the wanders this man could have accomplished if he were still alive. It's not by chance I'm a huge fan of his work: He made what I consider the best 3 comedies of the 90's and that's all I know so far of his work. I definitely  need to see his previous films.


Quote 1

- Have no fear, Justice shall prevail. The courts will decide.
They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well with God as my witness I am that fool!

Quote 2 (Cara Mia)

- Oh, Tish, that's French.
- Oui. (Morticia)
- Cara mia!

Fan boys can say what they want but Raul Julia saved SF the Last Battle from being an ordinary terrible game adaptation to be one of the greatest comedies of all time.

Quote 3 (For me, it was Tuesday)


Quote 4 (Pax Bisonica)

Quote 5 (Bison Dollars)

So, what do you think? What are your thoughts on Raul Julia? What other moments of his career should be added? Leave me a comment or a link. Be always welcome and Merry Christmas!

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

90's Brightest Moments and quotes (part 1) The Addams Family Values

This sequel is probably one of the fewest and honorable cases that overcomes the first film, you probably watched this film but the likelihood  that you got its best comical and satirical parts are very low considering that most of the web diggers now are around 20 and something, the movie is 20 years old. So that's why I've stated on the previous post that is important to watch it again. Only then you'll be ready to enjoyed it to its fullest and  will be able to rate it on the IMDB web site:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106220/?ref_=nv_sr_3

Let's begin with our lovely and eternal Wednesday Addams (Portrayed by the still gorgeous Christina Ricci).

    - Our parents are having a baby too - Pugsley Addams
    - They had sex. - Wednesday Addams being very straight forward to a little kid that believed she was sent from a stork by the orders of an Angel.

- Children, Why do you hate the baby? - Gomez Addams
- We don't hate him, we just wanna play with him - Pugsley Addams
- Especially with his head - Wednesday Addams

- Death, death to the enemies of the people of the republic. - Sentence of death proclaimed by Wednesday Addams when she plotted to kill her youngest brother like a french revolutionary.

                                              - I can't swim 

 - Brava! That's actually should go to Wednesday for her amazingly scary,  cold and comical acting.

 - Your work is puerile and under-dramatized you lack any sense of structure, character or the Aristotelian units - Wednesday giving a lecture to the boring summer camp leader, Gary. (My favorite speech)  

It's not by chance at all that this sexy gothic lady got a bigger part in this sequel. Is it wrong state she really looked sexy? I mean, I was just 5 back in 1993 and now she's 33. Anyway, better stop the jokes before some dumb ass call the police. For now, we are done, Coming next a few more Wednesday and a Lot more Raul Julia, the Puerto Rican  Don Juan.

Brightest 90's moments and quotes.

Ok, enough of reviews (even though I've made only two, what a shame!). The thing is I am making this blog more to me than to anyone, it's like a movie diary where I can make records of the best films I've seen, keeping  in mind ( on the cloud to be more precise) the most remarkable moments and quotes of movie history.

So, we will begin our trip throughout the seventh art's history not in chronological order  but instead starting from a decade where I was 100% a child and 100% happy, even though I would rather be a teenager at that time. Let's begin from the 90's. It's like they say now the 90's is the new and so beloved 80's (or maybe I was the first to state it). Anyways, that decade was really prosperous to Hollywood. It brought to our attention marvelous actors like Raul Julia, Christina Ricci,  Christopher Loyd (ok, this one got already recognized in the 80's but there's a good reason why he is on that list )  and so on. It was also a sad decade that took away from us some of these outstanding actors like Raul Julia.

All right, enough blah blah blah, I'm going to start this section making the usual recommendation, watch the following movie specially if you are at your early or even latest 20's. It's a little under rated one (according to IMDB it took 6,4 from 10) maybe because it's a sequel but I think is mainly because the audience were too young at that time and wasn't ready to enjoy it. On the next post the best moments and quotes from the Addams Family Values...